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Welcome to The Relaunch of Average Apple Guy

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Hello Everyone! I wanted to take a few minutes to welcome you back to Average Apple Guy. It has been a long time since the site has been active, and that has been by design. Well, really, it comes down to me being super busy.

For those who have never visited the site, a welcome to you and thanks for stopping by. For those who are returning, thanks for doing so.

Over the next few weeks, I will be slowly ramping up the content here on the site. It is going to take some time, but it will get there.

I wanted to outline what Average Apple Guy will and won’t be. As readers know, there are thousands of Apple-centric sites out there. So, as one who is relaunching a site, it is a little bit like being a voice in a hurricane. It is easy to get swept away. My intention for the site is to focus more on usability, how-to’s, reviews, and Apple events. I will post “breaking news” at times, but that won’t be the main focus. There are plenty of sites to get that information, such as Cult of Mac, iMore, Apple Insider, and more. I want to be more of the resource for information about apps, how to improve your iPhone experience, and the like. You’ll have to decide if I succeed in that plan.

For those of you who are returning, you may need clarification on where the old content for the site can be found. Unfortunately, it was lost in a recent issue, and, through my neglect, there wasn’t a backup available. So, the site is starting completely new.

I hope you find the site useful and helpful. As always, feel free to leave a comment for me on the About Average Apple Guy page. I read all of them and always appreciate readers taking the time to leave a message. Please feel free to leave a comment on this post.

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